Category: Depositions
For new attorneys, your first deposition can be as nerve-racking as it is exciting. Before you even begin, hire an experienced court reporter and…
During a deposition, presenting a defense is as important as it is during a trial. Keep in mind that everything your client says will be recorded…
Since legal depositions in San Jose are less formal than court appearances, they are sometimes thrown together haphazardly. This is unfortunate…
When a deposition transcript needs to be corrected, there are specific rules that must be followed. Failing to do so can jeopardize all of the…
If creating an electronic recording was part of the deposition services you selected with your court reporter, then entering it into the evidence…
The legal deposition is an essential part of case preparation for attorneys, so having a court reporter transcribing the session who is experienced…
There are many steps to take to thoroughly prepare for a legal deposition in San Jose. In addition to hiring a court reporter to provide deposition…
Remote depositions allow you to use technology, rather than travel expenses, to depose out-of-town witnesses. Using remote deposition services…
Preparing your client for deposition is one of the most important parts of preparing your case. Because a court reporter in San Jose will be creating…
Video deposition services near San Jose must conform to certain requirements. A legal deposition must be an accurate reflection of the record…