Category: Depositions
Do you have a witness who can’t be present for a court hearing? Are you hoping to eliminate surprises and feel more confident entering a trial?…
Every attorney and witness wants to create a flawless deposition to take with them to court. For this to happen, you need an experienced,…
A traditional deposition is a typed transcription of a witness’s testimony. A court reporter transcribes the words verbatim in shorthand on a…
Law school does a great job of preparing you for the courtroom, but many attorneys find themselves unprepared for what is sure to become a…
There are many things lawyers aren’t taught in law schools, and one of them is how to conduct legal depositions in unusual places around San…
Long before your client sits down near a court reporter, he or she needs to know exactly what to expect from a typical deposition held in San…
It’s possible for a witness’ answer to change between the time of the legal deposition and the trial. You can…
Depositions are the backbone of discovery, and it’s crucial to know the difference between proper and improper objections. Whether you’ll be…
Mistakes in a deposition may mean the difference between winning and losing at trial. If you have run into errors with one of your depositions in…
To get the most of a deposition, you need a clean transcript to refer to when it’s complete. Although your court reporter in San Jose is…