Category: Deposition Services
An organization may seem like an essential part of any legal business, but if you find yourself constantly forgetting to log hours or trying to…
When you’re renting conference room space, considering how the room is set up can be as important as hiring your court reporter or setting up any…
During a deposition, presenting a defense is as important as it is during a trial. Keep in mind that everything your client says will be recorded…
During legal proceedings, hearsay testimony is generally prohibited. When hearsay is mentioned by a witness, the court reporter is usually…
When a deposition transcript needs to be corrected, there are specific rules that must be followed. Failing to do so can jeopardize all of the…
If you have worked with an agency court reporter in the past, you are probably already familiar with the many effective uses of technology in…
The legal deposition is an essential part of case preparation for attorneys, so having a court reporter transcribing the session who is experienced…
At a legal deposition in San Jose, it’s your responsibility as the defense counsel to protect your witness. This may entail applying the rules of…
If you are in the midst of preparing for a legal deposition in San Jose, your priorities almost certainly include reviewing the case material,…
If you’re preparing for a legal deposition in San Jose or beyond, you’re probably exhaustively researching the case and developing your line…