Category: Deposition Services
Depositions are among the most flexible discovery devices available to attorneys and paralegals. The goal is always to take effective depositions…
No matter what form they take, depositions are the foundation of any legal case. If you’re looking to take sworn, out-of-court oral testimonies…
Business people discussion advisor concept
Every practicing litigator or defense attorney knows that the majority of civil cases are…
There are many things lawyers aren’t taught in law schools, and one of them is how to conduct legal depositions in unusual places around San…
Mistakes in a deposition may mean the difference between winning and losing at trial. If you have run into errors with one of your depositions in…
To get the most of a deposition, you need a clean transcript to refer to when it’s complete. Although your court reporter in San Jose is…
Legal translation services must be completely accurate to protect the rights of everyone involved in the case. When you need interpreting…
Court reporters are an essential part of getting your job done as an attorney, whether you’re using transcripts they prepared in court to get…
Presentations are part of life for lawyers, but they’re not quite like other things you do all day, like depositions or examining witnesses in…
For new attorneys, your first deposition can be as nerve-racking as it is exciting. Before you even begin, hire an experienced court reporter and…