Category: Deposition Services
Depositions are a useful tool for lawyers to discover the strengths and weaknesses of their clients’ cases. However, considering that most…
The option to depose a witness virtually is incredibly convenient and cost-effective. However, even if you’re a seasoned deposition taker, the…
As an attorney in San Jose, you need access to trustworthy court reporting services. Consider partnering with Talty Court Reporters! When…
Depositions are a critical part of the legal process. This period of formal questioning and discovery takes place before the trial. Witnesses…
Video depositions are the most popular option for deposing a witness these days. The ability to convey body language and tone to the jury is a…
If you have never used video technology in your legal depositions, you may wonder if there’s a right time and a wrong time to capture footage…
As social distancing remains the norm, you may have started using Microsoft Teams or Zoom to conduct virtual depositions. Here are some useful…
Taking legal depositions is a sensitive matter requiring the right environment to ensure a smooth process. The best option might be to rent a…
When it comes to taking legal depositions, it’s critical to communicate clearly with every witness. If anyone you are deposing for your next…
Legal depositions are among the most important elements of the discovery phase. But when a pandemic prevents people from traveling and meeting…