Category: Court Depositions
If you’re preparing for a legal deposition in San Jose or beyond, you’re probably exhaustively researching the case and developing your line…
There are many steps to take to thoroughly prepare for a legal deposition in San Jose. In addition to hiring a court reporter to provide deposition…
At Talty Court Reporters, one of the services we’re pleased to offer our clients is a 24/7 virtual office. The virtual office is another way we…
Remote depositions allow you to use technology, rather than travel expenses, to depose out-of-town witnesses. Using remote deposition services…
As any attorney knows, legal cases don’t follow traditional 9-to-5 hours. To prepare appropriately for depositions, cross-examinations, and…
Talty Court Reporters has been serving the legal community in San Jose and the surrounding area since 1964. Since then, our court reporters have…
Preparing your client for deposition is one of the most important parts of preparing your case. Because a court reporter in San Jose will be creating…
After you’ve hired a court reporter and scheduled a date for your legal deposition, it’s time to turn your attention to your questioning.…
An often-frustrating aspect of planning video depositions in the past has been delayed which makes it impossible for all parties to participate…
As you coordinate deposition services near San Jose for your cases, you may encounter witnesses who are not eager to participate in a legal…