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Professional court reporter by Talty Court Reporter Inc. in San Jose, CA

When you schedule a legal deposition or court deposition, you are responsible for securing certain deposition services for you and the adverse attorney. These deposition services may include legal transcription services, notary services, and interpreting services. Legal transcription services can be provided by a transcriptionist, court reporter, or court stenographer. Keep reading if you’re curious about the benefits of hiring a court reporter in San Jose instead of a transcriptionist for your next deposition.

Far More Experience

Transcriptionists can be employed in a number of different fields outside of the legal field. They may work for doctors, nurses, or the hearing impaired, and do not necessarily have any sort of experience in the legal field. Transcriptionists are skilled typists, but court reporters and court stenographers also have experience with legal terms, legal documents, and how court cases progress. This helps them provide much more accurate court transcriptions. Court reporters are also accustomed to dealing with the background noise, interruptions, and delays that often occur in depositions.

Understanding of Confidentiality and Neutrality

Because court reporters work in the legal field, they understand the importance of confidentiality. They will not discuss the details of your case before or after the deposition with anyone other than you and your employees. Court reporters are also familiar with the concept of neutrality. They know that they must behave as an unbiased third party to the case proceedings, and will not display any signs of emotion during the deposition proceedings.

Transcripts Are Available More Quickly

Companies that provide professional deposition services, court reporting services, and transcription services are very reliable and efficient. They have experience dealing with a high volume of business, and will not subject you to delays in creating and providing court transcriptions. In fact, most court reporting and transcription services companies offer expedited court transcriptions to their clients. They will also provide you with a rough draft of the court transcription if requested, and can electronic transcripts.

Whenever and Wherever You Need Us, We’re There.