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Legal Transcription Services in San Jose, CA

Law firms are under constant pressure to transcribe legal files and documents, but often lack the resources to the job in-house. Fortunately, you can hire court reporters in San Jose to help you get the job done. A qualified professional can handle the task of transcribing hand-written documents, police reports, testimony, medical records, and other types of paperwork on your behalf, without sacrificing the accuracy your law firm relies on. When you hire transcription services, here are some of the things you should consider.


Legal transcription work requires a higher degree of accuracy than other types of transcription work. Don’t settle for a transcriber that does not have the proper background to do legal work. Instead, look for transcribers who are compliant with guidelines set by the State CSR Board. This ensures that the transcriber you hire is trained in providing accurate transcription services that meet the standards you need. Keep in mind that court reporters are experienced in working with legal documents, so have a grasp on the job you need to be done.

Format Options

The court reporter you hire should be able to provide transcripts in a variety of formats. Be sure the transcriber is experienced in providing both paper and electronic formats. Ask about YesLaw, E-Transcript, PDFs, LEFs, and ACSII. Your transcriber should also be able to provide you with a condensed transcript with scanned exhibits for easy access when you need to check a fact fast or when you’re preparing your case.


Few things are as important when you’re hiring a court reporter than experience. Court reporters who have been working in the field for a long time not only are familiar with all of the needs of their clients, but they also have enough understanding of the legal profession that they know the terminology used in court cases. With an experienced transcriber, you won’t have to worry about inaccuracies or mistakes that could compromise your cases.

Whenever and Wherever You Need Us, We’re There.