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Ethical considerations for court reporters in San Jose, CA


Court reporters are an essential part of the legal system. It’s their job to capture every word spoken during depositions, trials, and other legal proceedings. Attorneys and paralegals rely on accurate and impartial records to build and present cases effectively. Are you looking for court reporting services in San Jose? You may be interested to learn about the ethical considerations for court reporters as defined by the National Court Reporters Association (NCRA).


Court reporters must remain fair and unbiased towards all parties involved in a proceeding. This means providing equal service to all participants and avoiding any actions perceived as favoritism or bias. For example, offering gifts or favors to attorneys or clients is strictly prohibited under the NCRA’s Ethics First program, which aims to maintain court reporter impartiality and neutrality.

Competence and Accuracy

An accurate record is crucial for justice to be served. Court reporters are expected to accept assignments only when they are confident in their ability to produce a precise and reliable transcript. If a reporter feels unqualified, they should remove themselves and recommend a more suitable colleague.

In addition to maintaining high standards of accuracy, court reporters must follow established transcript preparation guidelines and meet promised delivery dates. Their reliability, or lack thereof, could greatly affect a case’s outcome.


Court reporters handle sensitive information regularly. Therefore, keeping the proceedings they transcribe confidential is ethically imperative. Reporters must safeguard their shorthand notes and electronic records to ensure they are stored securely and accessible only to authorized individuals. If several parties need access to a transcript, the reporter should provide it to everyone at the same time. Transcripts may not be disclosed or sold until and unless the record is made public.

Avoiding Conflicts of Interest

As with selecting jury members, court reporters should only participate in cases where there is no conflict of interest, such as having a personal connection with any parties involved or a financial interest in the outcome of the case. If such conflicts arise, the reporter should excuse themselves and recommend another qualified reporter to uphold the integrity of the proceedings.

Continuous Professional Development

Court reporting technology continually evolves, and reporters must keep pace. These specialists are expected to participate in professional associations and attend workshops and seminars to maintain their skill proficiency and stay up-to-date with the latest industry developments.

Ethical Responsibilities in San Jose, CA

As with many jurisdictions, court reporters in San Jose, CA, must adhere to both state-specific regulations and the broader ethical guidelines set by the NCRA. The city’s legal community depends on local court reporters having high ethical standards to ensure justice is administered fairly and accurately.

At Talty Court Reporters, we utilize the latest technology to deliver the very best results in your legal case. Turn to us for top-quality court reporting and transcribing services, video and audio conferencing, remote depositions, and much more. For additional information about our services or to request a cost estimate, please contact us today.

Whenever and Wherever You Need Us, We’re There.