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Businessman exchanging documents in San Jose, CA

Legal translation services must be completely accurate to protect the rights of everyone involved in the case. When you need interpreting services for a deposition or other part of the case, choose an interpreter who not only knows the language but who also has experience in the legal field to avoid complications in translating important legal terms. Often, the company you use for deposition services in San Jose can provide legal interpreting for you. When working with a translator, overcome common challenges by using these strategies:

Challenge: Translating Legal Terminology

Although working with an interpreter with legal knowledge can alleviate some of the inherent problems in translating legal terminology, you can ensure that things go smoothly by creating a list of legal terms that you plan to use frequently during the deposition. For instance, if you are deposing a witness regarding a case that involves a real estate transaction, you may rely on language that is pertinent specifically to real estate law. Providing a list of common legal terms before the deposition allows your interpreter to verify his or her translations in advance and will also help if he or she must translate any legal documents.

Challenge: Using Different Dialects

Before the deposition, verify not only the language that needs to be translated but also the specific dialect of that language. Some language dialects are so different that the speaker of one dialect can’t fully understand another. In other instances, dialectical differences may be subtle, but losing any nuance of meaning could jeopardize your case. Inform your interpreter of the exact dialect to be used in advance to avoid this issue.

Challenge: Translating Too Much or Too Little

It’s not necessary to translate every utterance during a deposition, but failing to translate essential points compromises the rights of the witness and the overall case. During a deposition, be specific about what exactly needs to be translated so that you don’t lose time to translating unnecessary points and won’t risk overlooking an important statement or question that goes untranslated.

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